Monday, March 16, 2009

Milk is all I needed

Saturday nite I decided to fry up some chicken nuggets with cream gravy. No problem, Braums ice cream store is only a mile or so away, I'll make a quick trip. While I'm in there passing all the ice cream, I take a gander..oh look, they have all new eye catching packaging, so I pick up one of my favorites (black cherry amaretto yogurt), grab some orange juice & proceed to check out. I have a cold & started coughing. The cashier smiles sympathizingly. 'Sounds like you have a bad cold', 'yes, I sure do', says I smiling. ' I had one too, ended up going to the emergency room @ 3 A.M. in the morning' (love it when someone uses 'A.M'.in the morning...aren't they the same?) She continues, 'I was @the emergency room for over two hours & the doctor prescribes this cough syrup. I went to walmart to get the prescription filled & do you know how much they wanted for that cough syrup? 'Hunh Uh'? '$38.00'! I just told them I didn't want it & went & got some stuff off the shelf'. 'My husband died last year, but if he was still alive, he would'nt have let me get by with doing that'. (I'm still smiling and acting interested in her tale) 'Ya, he was a real stickler when it came to following Doctor's daughter is the same way, so I didn't even tell her I was going to the emergency room', 'she woulda had a fit' she continued. I stopped smiling...'excuse me, did you give me a receipt'? 'Oh, honey, I'm sorry, here it is.....I was just telling my friend Shirley.......'Hell, for $38.00, I coulda got a good bottle of whiskey'! 'Yes, I'm sure you could have', I'm agreeing as I make my exit. I get to the car & realize I forgot my milk, but there is no way in hell I'm going back in there. I stop @the Conoco across the street & get A pack of cigarettes, A Sunday paper, & a 1/2 gallon of milk. $10.83! ......cigarettes have gone from $3.85 to $5.50 a pack in one week, & the Sunday paper has gone from $1.50 to $2.00 in the past week.. My yogurt was the same price in its cute new packaging, but noticed when I got home it read: 3 pints, (not 1/2 gallon) I keep saying I have to stop smoking even tho a pack lasts me a couple of days. Nicotine patches have probably climbed to a hundred dollars a box by now.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Stallman Family Reunion, 2010

Okay, barbara & our cousin mary ann, are planning a Stallman family reunion, June, 2010 in Reliance, South Dakota. It's been in the works for over a year or so, but now the pressure is on. barbara has a wonderful 'stallman website', with all our history from kingdom come. I am absolutely amazed at all the hours & hours of work she has done with our website. It would be a disgrace not to show up and participate. We are all encouraged to write about our lives, trials & tribulations, & include pictures, or not. As for me & my daughter, and her family, we will most certainly be there. If my ex husband, gerald, thinks he can make the trip, he can be there also. I'm updating my information on her website as I write.....thanks, barbara, for all the extensive, investigative work you do. Barbara keeps up with a lot of our relatives, especially those in Minnesota & Iowa. I could probably brush shoulders with most of them & not know if he or she is related......pretty sad, but true.

Monday, March 2, 2009

To Be Or Not To Be

Are you computer literate? For me....ya, just a little bit...............but for some folks in my hometown.....NOT! My niece Sindi Speck is 'on fire' to create a Reliance Highschool Alumni webpage, designed from the same format as her Highschool Alumni in Duchnese, Utah. It is a wonderful, informative, personal (as much as you want to reveal about yourself) and very interesting to other graduates (or not). My sister, barbara suggested it to some people in the alumni association, and others not associated with the alumni, in my hometown, only to be discarded, to absolute excitement. She discovered most of the people she encountered did not EVEN have a computer. WHAT??? You can not be serious! I am in absolute shock over this declaration. Anyway, it is true, and it does not matter. Barbara, Sindi, & I are going through with this website and it will be a wonderful experience for everyone. I think it will be exciting to see where people are now and what is going on in their life. You can reveal as much information and photo's as you like.