Saturday, May 28, 2011

My Uncle Dick and Aunt Gloria..................

I will tell you one thing....... These Two People are just Absolutely Amazing! I have not seen, nor connected with my Uncle Dick Black......EVER! However, we are family. I just absolutely love Gloria................she is so grounded! What A Treat To Meet and Interact with them! I absolutely loved the experience!

I Am Ashamed of Myself

I am absolutely ashamed of myself for not posting. My sister Barbara asked me for a picture of 'Mama's ashes ceremony' on Medicine Butte in Reliance, South Dakota, and the only one I had to offer, was this one on my website.

Well, she was able to do whatever she needed to do, in order to 'copy & paste', or whatever. Anyway, she retrieved the picture she wanted.

She is writing a book about her life.....and, I am anxious for her to finish it. Reason being, I don't REMEMBER much about 'our life' prior to my being 18 years old. By then, I was 'on my own'.

I asked for a copy of what she has written so far..... No, you have to wait for the finished product.....We are all so weird, aren't we? Barbara, what if I lose my mind tomorrow?..........I'll never know 'the end'.....but, yes, I do.