Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Hey, Mr. President, maila fan boka: That's Chamorro for come eat

Found this in the Guam newspaper.......President Obama will be on island sometime during the first week of March. It made me laugh because when I built my retirement home, I wanted to make a sign to put in my kitchen that read 'Maila fan boka' my interpretation of 'come in & eat'. When I told Bob of my intentions, he corrected my Chamoru to say it right, just as the person in the next paragraph corrected the journalist in the PDN:

Who Chamoru you? Ask Juan Malimanga how to say it right. "Maila ta fan boka"..
Let President Obama try out Guam Ayuyu, Luta Fanihi, Tinian Hot Pepper, and Saipan Apigigi. Welcome to the Chamorro Islands!!

I still have my Continental Micronesia Airlines frequent flyer miles in my back pocket for another trip to Guam. I lived there eleven years and have been gone eleven years this month. I didn't realize until just now that I've been back eleven years. I read the Pacific Daily News online every day, and see many construction changes since my departure. Everyone is preparing for the Military buildup that will take place in the next year or so. The Marine bases are closing on Okinawa & Japan will pay millions of dollars to help the United States relocate on Guam.

Also, Continental Micronesia just opened a Guam to Fiji flight two or three times a week recently hmmmm mite be a cheap way to get to Fiji. Daydreams are so fun......