Saturday, November 21, 2009


Watching DR. PHIL this week, I had my second epiphany: regarding sarcasm as the lowest form of humor.... That is me for the most part of my humor. I have known for a long time that I do not have 'empathy', and I think it stems from my own childhood & upbringing. How in the world could I relate to empathy, unconditional love, and all that goes along with family? I masked everything. So, the mask is what I was most comfortable with most of my adult life. I'm not wearing a 'mask' anymore. I am still very blunt. I speak when I should keep my mouth shut, however, what I speak, is only thoughts amongst others that have discretion) and I apologize for that........I am not sure if I will ever correct my faults......So just put up with me.................Or Not.


I'm trying to create an 'old hairstyle', Vicki gave me in the '80's' and am having a hard time. I found a new hairdresser & got things started, however, it was not working out....does not 'look like Vicki's cut'....can't make this old broad understand 'the firefly' style of the time. I KNOW she has been in business long enuf to 'remember the cut'.....So, the other day I dragged out some pictures of myself with 'the cut' & took them to her shop. She pretty much 'nailed it', and I feel confident, & eventually, it will be the cut I want. As I returned home, and took the pictures from my purse, I took a good hard look @who I was back then, & who I am now. For the first time, I think I have finally separated myself from those 1980 photos. It was a really sad situation, and I cried. 'Oh, My God!, I am not 'her' anymore, I am really seventy......It was a hard realization, I AM REALLY OLD NOW! I don't FEEL any older than those pictures I was looking at, but I AM!, ......and, my dears, SEVENTY AIN'T BAD! OLD is only a word. BAAHWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Mama, you have no idea (or, perhaps you do) how happy your children are this week. We all received 'our inheritance' from you. Everyone is extremely happy & 'over the moon' deciding what we will do with our monies.

You can be well assured we all have great plans.... This windfall is appreciated so much. Know this: all of your children (and some grandchildren) are elated! Most know exactly what they are going to do with their, for one, have two or three avenues.

God bless you, & I pray for your soul everyday.

I love you so much, frances

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Yesterday, (November 11th, 2009), someone posted on facebook, a suggestion that we should post everyday, something to be thankful for until Thanksgiving day. Well, this would be an easy project to be involved...........and, it is, however, how many of us ever think of something to be thankful for on a daily basis? Do we just take everything for granted? Yep, I think so. So, I started yesterday, and posted again today, and will tomorrow and so on. In fact, I will start a journal on my thanksgivings. I think it heals my heart, and may be an interesting read one of these days for my daughter & grandchildren......................join me.