Monday, January 16, 2012

Dream, Dream, Dream....All You Have To Do, Is Dream

I think this title was actually a song from my era, the 1950's.  Ahhhhhh, the '40's and '50's!   Anyone growing up during this time frame, is absolutely blessed!  Beyond blessed!

Anyway, about dreams....they are absolutely wonderful, in my own humble opinion.   You can travel anywhere your sub-conscious takes you, and, I absolutely look forward to it, each and every night.

Last nite I went on a journey that was a little confusing.  However, it included my good friend Katy & her good friend, Richard.  It included Mike Schuminsky, Mr. Perez, and a group of women I can not identify.  I knew their names, however, the names did not match their bodies!  How strange is that?....very....and, most were quite out of character......I don't understand the meaning of that, but there has to be a message in there somewhere.

It was a compilation of work, deceit, secrecy, new beginnings, coming to terms, and endings.

Well, that kinda sums up life, doesn't it?

I'm grateful that my morals have had a tune up.     amen.

Friday, January 13, 2012


OK, I admit that I am probably one of the biggest procrastinators, however, I'm now trying to change all that.

I decided a few years ago that I would write a leave some of my thoughts, and personal excursions, for my grand daughters to find.

Well, it has been four or five years since this decision, and, not much has been posted!  So, now we are beginning 2012.  I'll put on my 'DO BETTER HAT'

We closed the year 2011 @G'ma Sara's & Papa's, we always do,  on Christmas Day!

Everyone brings a 'covered dish' to accent the meat dish.  Jeff & papa have the cooking task.  This year, we had brisket  & ham.  As usual, the meal and company, were delicious.  Everybody's 'covered dishes', were very tasty.

We play 'Dirty Santa', for all the 'adults', which is always great fun, (for most).....just sayin'...  The children 'draw names'...and every mama tells the other mama what to buy for their child, so no one ever gets disappointed!  Bwahahaahahah!

No Matter the process.......we all have a fantastic time!.....Good Bye 2011, and here's to 2012!

Monday, January 9, 2012


Today I've decided to change a word in the title of my blog....... from 'adventures', to 'perception'.

Currently, (currently means the past five years of my life)....there has been 'not much' in the adventure Department! However, I have come to realize, because my daughter, Vicki, reminds me,....that everything I bitch about, is only my perception. ....and, she is right, as usual.

Time to create an ADVENTURE!