Sunday, July 19, 2009

Pray for Gerald

A couple of days ago, I went to pick up my ex-husband for an appointment @ the OU Physicians building. It was for a radiation therepy (urology). When I arrived @his home, it was an awful awakening on my part. He was totatly naked, & took him about 10 minutes to open the door. I was in shock to see how much weight he had lost in the past week, let alone how his body looked like a skeleton. I knew he had lost a lot of weight, but never expected to see what I saw. I just cried. I had been seeing him every week for months, but had not seen him naked in a couple years. He could barely walk on this day. It was absoulty astounding, and I can not remove the vision from my mind. He is in the VA hospital as I write, and I think he will never leave there this time. He has several liesions on his lungs, sore to touch (his entire body), and is terminal. Depending on the type & strength of pain medication, he still has his sound mind.

I fell madly in love with this man in 1958, and thru all our trials and tribulatons, I have a love for him still. .........


Unknown said...

I have put all of you on my prayer list. When you speak of Gerald it is very hard not to remember Bill's passing and the last month leading up to it. The weight loss, sunken eyes, sagging skin on bones and most of all, his last two breaths. I am so thankful that I was the only one who saw him take them and that Ed didn't. I called him into the room but things happened very quickly. In the rare times when I remember it, a quick shake of the head will take you to some happier time or to the night his face lit up like a light had been turned on under his cheeks. Grandma Jo said, "Oh my God, look ... he see's the Lord!" And we all know he did When the time comes, Gerald will too, as will we all. I love you and I'm glad Sandy is there to support you for a few days. Your Sissy, B

taotao said...

barbara, I just found & read your comment & I appreciate your words, thoughts and prayers. He is gone on this day & I pray he is with his parents and Mary. I love you too