Thursday, October 1, 2009

Are You Making Good Choices, Jason?

OMG! I wasn't even ready to see or hear this! So, I am sitting in my pedicure chair @Walmart today, enjoying this week's National Enquirer...(yes, I read it every week)..........any way, all of a sudden I hear this blood curdling scream from what looks to be a little boy around two or two & a half years old, @a check out register. His big sister (around 10) is trying to calm him down, and being very patient with him. THEN appears his Mother, breaking her concentration from the 'check out person'. She stops everything in progress to bend over, point her finger in his face, & exclaim LOUDLY ...'Jason, are you making GOOD CHOICES right now? Jason does not respond. 'JASON, ARE YOU MAKING GOOD CHOICES RIGHT NOW...........LOOK @ ME, JASON.' His big sister is totally humiliated & only looks at the floor. Jason never responds, & the mother gives up the confrontation. I wanted to jump out of my chair and knock Big Mama to the ground, but she was bigger than me.

What the Hell.............he is two!!!!......are you making good choices? I just do not understand parenting these days. Who is the one NOT making good choices here?

They wheeled away with mama still screaming @the child. Mama, are YOU making good choices today? No, you, my dear, are an idiot!

1 comment:

JustSindi said...

This is one of the funniest things I've read in a while. This new parenting style drives me insane. Its fun to sit back and observe these toddlers ruling the roost.