Friday, May 29, 2009

OK, I've Fought The Fight..And Gave In Today

Nap: A brief sleep, often during the day, to be unaware of imminent danger or trouble. Says Webster. I have often needed a nap, but would not succumb. It is a practice of old people, and I do not want to admit I'm getting OLD! Admit or not, it is glaring me in the face. Everyday, for months, the NAP has been beckoning me, noooooooo, I won't go.

Today, as most mornings, I awake around six o'clock. (Think this is a built in alarm from my fifty years of being in the workforce.) Sometimes I just roll over and sleep another hour or so, but not today. I make my usual pot of strong ass coffee and troll the internet. I have several blogs I follow, so I catch up on them. Go out and water my plants...make breakfast, and watch The View.

Lauren is out of school, so I ask her to go with me to pick up our 'repaired two wheeler weed eater'. We return around 2:00. I am getting sleepy, but fight it until 4:00, then think 'what the hell is up with this........go lay down'...I did, & when I woke up @5:30 I felt great. Got out the mower & manicured my acre for an hour or so. It was a great refreshing time out there on that mower......I think it was the NAP that did it. Maybe I will try it again.

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